Friday, November 12, 2010

Week 1 Handouts

Welcome to the first week of the study “199 Liberating Bible Verses for Women”! I admit to feeling very vulnerable by this whole process. I am not used to my lessons being recorded and shared. As a result I can hear my nerves in my voice a bit in the the recording, but I pray you are able to look past all of that and hear what God laid on my heart for the study this week. I have a liberating understanding that it is not I who ministers, but the Holy Spirit. Understanding that I am only a vessel takes the weight off my shoulders for this new offshoot of my ministry and puts it on God’s.

As I am speaking I refer to the handouts I have posted below. Keep the blog window open so as I refer to a handout, right click on it and open it in a new window so you can quickly return to the blog for the next handout when needed. When I say, “this book” in my lesson, I am referring to “199 Favorite Bible Verses for Women” which we are walking through over the next several weeks.

I will be out of town next week. This study will continue the Monday after Thanksgiving. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. I am praying for you!!!

Week One Podcast - Click Here

Crude Spiritual Growth Diagram

Onion Handout

Guilt Onion

Rochelle Tynes (Teacher) & Family

Rochelle Tynes - Bible Study Teacher"

1 comment:

  1. This week's lesson was a challenge and a blessing! His Truth will set us free (John 8:32). As I listened to the lesson the Spirit brought me under conviction for running to the Word for a "quick fix" for my problems, when what He really desires is an intimate relationship with me. The more time I spend with Him in meditation and prayer, the more empowered I will be to consistently reflect Him to the world.
    The Spirit used the spiritual growth diagram and onion worksheets to clarify His Truth to this visual learner. :) I know there will be some tears as the layers of onion are peeled away, but the more of my sinfulness I lay aside, the more my relationship with Him can grow.
    Thank you, Rochelle, for your willingness to pass on God's truth, and for helping us learn together how we must apply ourselves to the Truth!
